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Pompe à Essence pour KIPOR IG1000, IG2600, KDE12STA, KG690, KGE1000, KGE2000, KGE3000

14,90 €
En stock

Fuel Pump for KIPOR IG1000, IG2600, KDE12STA, KG690, KGE1000, KGE2000, KGE3000 and related spare parts.

This listing is about a brand new after-market Fuel Pump which fits the following KIPOR engines, and replaces OEM Part #KGE1000Ti-07100:

  • IG 1000
  • IG 2600
  • IG 2600H EPA
  • KDE 12STA3
  • KG 690
  • KGE 1000Ti
  • KGE 2000Ti
  • KGE 3000Tc
  • KGE 3000Ti
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